Hello, worldbuilders!
Worldbuilding Magazine is proud to present our March 2021 issue: Getting Started Again. We’re revisiting our first topic from 2017 with a new team, casting another light on how to get started when diving into a new project that requires some worldbuilding. Whether you’re creating a game, writing a story, planning a tabletop campaign, or worldbuilding as a hobby—there is something to inspire everyone in this issue:
- Six new articles discussing the craft and application of worldbuilding.
- By popular request we are bringing back the worldbuilder’s checklist! Use it to help structure and guide your worldbulding.
- An interview with Eleanor Ferron and Luis Loza, a pair of developers who work on Pathfinder at Paizo.
- A community showcase with Matthew Brooke, who is creating a unique post-calamaty vision of Ireland and archiving it on YouTube.
- Plus, your questions answered in our Ask Us Anything column!
If you enjoy this issue or have any comments/suggestions, please leave us feedback using the form linked below. Also, if you would like to help us write, edit, illustrate, or otherwise produce the magazine and podcast, email us or inquire on our Discord community! We’re always looking for new volunteers to help make this project happen!
Special thanks to the writers, artists, editors, and everyone else who makes the magazine and podcast possible. We couldn’t do this without you. And to those of you who read or listen to us—we hope it helps you worldbuild some truly awesome settings.
Happy worldbuilding!
-the Worldbuilding Magazine team
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