It’s already November. That came up quick.
November means a lot of things. Snow (although it already snowed for me last week), an insanely busy holiday season, and the beginning of the end of the annual pumpkin-spice craze. November also means that we’re about halfway to the final issue of 2018, deep in the editing stages. It’s been busy balancing this and work and/or schooling, but we’re looking forward to showing off some of what’s to come in December.
In fact, let’s spoil a bit right now.
December’s issue of Worldbuilding Magazine will continue to bring the usual content you’ve come to expect from each release: stellar interviews, new prompts, an artist feature, and quite a bit more. One piece I’m particularly happy with is Analyzing Spell-Based Magic Systems written cooperatively by our new Editorial Department Chair Ianara Natividad and a new writer Noah L. They’ve taken an exhaustive look at magical spells and the differing methods authors use to create them as well as given pros and cons to each. It’s been great to see their piece develop, and I suspect it will be a highlight of this upcoming issue.
About a month ago we sent out a request for submissions where members of our community entered information about their magic systems. We’ve chosen a short list of entries and are hard at work developing the ideas with the authors who submitted them. The crystalline blade shown on this page is to accompany one such entry about Kalma Magic, submitted to us by the wonderful Tina Hunter, whose novel Blade of Memories comes out in just few days. We’re also very excited to welcome her and a few others to the Worldbuilding Magazine team, and look forward to working with them on issues to come in 2019.
Meanwhile, we’re spending a lot of time on Discord. Feel free to join us to chat about the magazine, join in our weekly Worldbuilding Wednesday prompts, or discuss worldbuilding! You can also submit questions to our recurring Ask Us Anything segment written by B.H. Pierce on Discord. Your question may get answered in the next issue!
Are you as excited for the Magic issue as I am? Subscribe here on our homepage so that you are notified about it right when it drops!
Also, I’d like to thank the staff for their hard work as well as the readers who make this all worthwhile. I couldn’t be happier to be a part of this community.
PS: Just to clarify what an earlier staff member said, we do not keep our “writers chained to small, uncomfortable desks.” That would be ridiculous. They are very comfy.
— Adam Bassett,
Writing Department Chair
Image by Adam Bassett.
Thank you for the shout out. Thrilled to be working on such an awesome magazine with you guys.